Tio Carlitos or Daddy (as I usually call you:
I know you've only been gone for such a short time but already everyone is missing you terribly.
I'm trying to be strong because I know you'd want that but it's hard. It's hard thinking about Vicky, Stepahie and Luis Carlos go through this and I am so far away from them, Daniel is here and I will take care of him, I promise you that I will call him at least once per week. I'm trying to help as I know you'd want that. But I can't help fill her void that you left when you left earth.
I prayed and told God every night since you came back that if He wanted you to come home to Him, then I asked that He take you gently, slowly and in peace. God always answers prayers. You went in peace and you went to Him quietly and with a smile I imagine.
I'll miss you!. You were like my dad, I always told you that I love you sometimes more than my dad because you never judge me for nothing at all, you only gave me love ... you taught me how to love and to trust ... I know that Vicky and the kids will have a hard time as they love you so much. I know you loved them too because I could see that love in your eyes and in each other.
Tio Carlitos, help us now from heaven. Vicky really needs you. We all miss you in different ways but I think that Vicky's loss is bigger than ours. We lost a great human being, father, uncle, grand father, best friend .... the best human being ever!!! but I think Vicky's going to need you alot to go through this. Help her....guide her and speak to her heart and let her know that it will be okay.
Tio, you touched so many lives and with each touch - you enriched each life. You had a purpose here and it was done. The greatest honor that anyone can have is to know that their life was not in vain. I can't say this is going to be easy on any of us. It won't be. But it sure helps when we talk about the good times, the funny times(there was lots of those as you have a great sense of humor) ... also you will be next to my aunt Vicky hey "say hello to her tell her that I miss her"
Your gentle caring heart will always be here with us and in us.
Your wonderful sense of humor lives on in all of us.
Your compassion for others is still alive in all of us.
Your body is gone but not your heart and not your spirit.
Tio, I'm really going to miss you. I sure never thought of this day. I know that you will be waiting for all of us when we are called.
So Tio, I know I've told you this before but I want to tell you again. Thanks for being my Daddy when I need it.
Thanks for being who you are.
And most of all - thanks for showing us love, caring, compassion, understanding and a sense of humor.
You made growing up FUN!!.
All my love