Wednesday, November 10, 2021

To my fave people in the world….

Growing up we had an incredibly intense fraternal relationship. Thankfully, I now can call you one of my best friends. You are a great person, are having the time of your life with your close friends, and have a good sense of humor. We are still the same as we were child but we quickly learned that when we are on the same team, it is unlikely we will lose. We are resourceful and through a combination of our skill, we are a force to be reckoned with. Our relationship over the last few years has evolved and I appreciate all that you have done for me. I want our relationship to flourish so that we may support each other in our successes. The most valuable lessons you have taught me, in no particular order, are definitely how to: network, find solutions, learn from your mistakes, and how to be selfless. The most powerful thing I have observed from our relationship is learning mostly from not the things you have told me, but the values you instilled in me and the mistakes you have made. We are all human beings and make mistakes, but how we react and push forward, is what defines our character. You pushed people to help me and were constantly making sure we hit our goal. I cannot thank you enough for your help. You were incredible. You might read this and say, “Wow. That was brutal.” However, I think we have a lot of similarities so being hard on you, is also being hard on myself. Furthermore, thank you for all of your support and help thus far in life — I am deeply appreciative. I love you.

I have no words for you, my dearest, – I shall never have – You are mine, I am yours. Now, here is one sign of what I said: that I must love you more than at first… a little sign, and to be looked narrowly for or it escapes me, but then the increase it shows can only be little, so very little now…
At first I only thought of being happy in you, – in your happiness: now I most think of you in the dark hours that must come as far as I can look into the night I see the light with me: and surely with that provision of comfort one should turn with fresh joy and renewed sense of security to the sunny middle of the day…

I don’t know how to tell you just how much Íll miss you. I love you till my heart could burst. All I love, all I want, all I need is you – forever. I want to just be where you are and be just what you want me to be.
I want someday for you to be proud of me as a person and as your sister —- as your friend. I want to be near you and I feel so sad tonight.



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