Saturday, December 16, 2017


You grow up and understand how the world is.

Betrayal, using for selfish interests, backbiting, interest-induced behaviour and judgmental attitude are a part and parcel of the world we live in. No one, no matter how brilliant, beautiful, rich or kind, has been able to escape it.

No one.

If you have changed for the worse due to adversity, then that is an unconscious choice you have made. You can always control your thought and mould your attitude; you could have chosen to keep up your jolliness and not let it be affected by any external factors.

This is all easy to say and hard to do- I will vouch for that. But no one said life is going to be easy. 

The point is whether you want to keep your personality at the mercy of others. No one can make you feel what you feel without your permission. It takes time, but you can take the permission away.

You can also mould yourself to reduce your material and emotional needs from people which would automatically translate into lesser betrayals and lesser judgmental attitude.

You can judge every situation based on its importance in the world and your life at large- is it making a difference in the world of 6 billion+ people? Is it going to matter in your 80-odd years of life? Most of the times the answer is going to be no. Then why bother?

You can accept the fact that people are going to come to you for help because you are capable of giving it. You need to figure out a way of balancing the act of giving with not letting yourself being used like a doormat.

You can find things/activities that will keep up your personality to the level you want. 

Love people, don't depend on them.

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