Thursday, July 12, 2018


Wherever you are, whatever you're doing, your worst enemy already lives inside you: your ego.

FYI Pleas it's been 5 years since I started to really sad, feel lost, alone and you knew it ....  courage is when you face dead or your friend's dead, or your friend wanting to died...  courage is when you go and feed her with love, courage is when you know your friend is dying because she needs a kidney so badly and you test yourself even if she will say no...  courage is being with your friend in her worst moment, when her dad flew away.... coward is the one who blocked on FB the very next second after she announced what she did , you know, I know she will say I couldn't tolerate it, coward is running away from your friend when she is really sick, troubles or just asking for love.   Coward is the one who is sitting reading this with fear thinking OMG she will kill her self! so the guilt start to bothers you, so you come into her place and yell at her while you are crying like crazy ... guys, you the ones who defended me  you know what? did u realize that all the drama queens  were from here ... Of course there is more, so now you  are crying  and crying and showing your tears over your face and making sure that everyone see u crying .... i think that the last is the most coward person in the world .... why you didnt call her before????? All of you guys saw the LLAQUE'S SHOW so at the very least come and hug me now, pay attention to me, be kind ... but your ego is so starved that my heart become a meal for your ego.... 

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

And I told her... I can not take one more disapointment and one more pain... for NOW

And I told her... I can not take one more disapointment  and  one more pain... for NOW

Let's face it: None of us are ever going to get to the place in life where we have no more disappointments. We can't expect to be sheltered from every little thing. Disappointment is a fact of life--one that must be dealt with. 

Fake friends are like shadows: always near you at your brightest moments, but nowhere to be seen at your darkest hour True friends are like stars, you don't always see them but they are always there.

Be very careful of who you share your problem with, remember that not every friend that smile at you is your best friend.

Monday, July 09, 2018

I 'm Done

I'm guilty of giving people more chances than they deserve but when I'm done, I'm done.

The danger is that in this move toward new horizons and far directions, that I may lose what I have now, and not find anything except loneliness. So I just realized that there's a big difference between deciding to leave and knowing where to go... And, if I cross path with darkness, who will follow me into he dark.... TIME TO RUN GUYS!!!!

PS: Mother, you always complained that I never mad you a card ... here is one for you!!!! And yes, I lost 46 years, yes I don’t have nothing at all, yes you even took my faith away ... it could be worst and I believe that I will be able to fix all my broken parts ... you broke me but I’m still fighting and you can’t tolerate it.

Letting GO...

Goddess Detox™
Cleaning Out the Friend Closet, or "Friend Shui"

The people we surround ourselves with are truly a reflection of who we are, and they also have a really big impact on our health and well-being. If we are constantly surrounded by people who are negative, draining, and make us feel all tense inside, how do you think we feel? Yep, negative, drained, and tense. Not fun feelings, right?

It’s actually quite funny that as I was percolating on writing this article, I attended a training in which the trainer spoke about “friend shui,” you know, like feng shui. I was already planning on writing this article, so the idea of “friend shui” was another perfect analogy for cleaning out the friend closet. 

Think about it, feng shui is all about clearing energy, making sure everything flows properly, or as Wikipedia says: “a system of harmonizing everyone with the surrounding environment.” Cleaning out the closet is about creating space, energy, and getting rid of things that no longer serve our purpose or are no longer in with the times (I mean, who really needs to hold on to that prom dress from the 80s, right?). 

Sure, sometimes when we clear out our wardrobe there are pieces that we just don’t want to let go of. For whatever reason we just want to hold on. The same can happen in friendships—sometimes we know there are friendships that no longer make us feel connected and alive, but for whatever reason, we have a hard time letting go. 

Oh, and let me not forget to mention the guilt that sometimes arises at the thought of letting one of our friends go. We start to think, “But, they were such a good friend,” or “We had such fun times together,” or “Ohmigosh, they know that one HUGE secret about me…” 

The reality is, it is difficult to break off any relationship, especially relationships with friends. However, what’s worse is holding on to a relationship that just isn’t working anymore. 

If you are in a friendship (or any other relationship) that just isn’t working for you anymore, I hereby give you permission to take the steps necessary to take care of your own self and your own well-being. It is important to surround yourself with loving, caring, kind, considerate people who nurture you and feed your soul. If your relationships don’t include those things, it’s most likely time to let them go so that you can make space for the relationships that you really want to enter into your life. 

If you are considering engaging in some “friend shui” or cleaning our your friend closet, here are some things to think about:

How do you feel when you are around your friends? Are there people in your life whose energy just isn’t matching with your energy anymore? Are there people who you have thought about letting go of but just feel sad or guilty about doing so?
What would you like to have from a friendship (or any other relationship) instead? What do you need in order to feel like your soul is being nourished?
Does your friend or friend group provide you what you are looking for in the previous question? 
How do you feel about letting this friendship go? What thoughts or feelings come up for you? If you are holding on, what is it that you are holding on to? What are you holding on for?
What would your life look like if you were to let that friendship go?

Spend some time to really think about these questions before making any decisions. It’s really about assessing what does and does not work for you and what you deserve and are willing to accept. If you get to a point where you are ready to take action, be sure to do it lovingly. 

Regardless of what you decide, know that you are worth it and that you are deserving of being surrounded by people who nurture and feed your soul, not drain it. 

Saturday, July 07, 2018

Why you gotta be so mean?

I just wrote this after a small, really small chat with my brother... I just realized it doesn't matter where I am his intent to destroy my life is stronger than anything else... I am shaking and praying please God don't let him to get into my head  .... 5 words are enough to make me feel the worst human being .... Please God take away the guilt... 
We can all agree that the two most powerful emotions in the world are love and hate. Indeed, every other emotion seems to stem from these two. Things like jealousy, longsuffering, greed, compassion, despair, and redemption ride in on one of those two thoroughbreds, love or hate.  Love seems to make the world go ’round, but does that make it more powerful than that dark horse candidate, hate? Or does that just make it more popular?

Hate has fueled most of the major newsworthy world events through the years. Think about it. If you look through the history books, you will find evidence of hate in events like:

1. The Holocaust

2. The Enslavement of Blacks (and others)

3. World Wars

4. Civil Wars

5. Military Conflicts (was Vietnam technically not a war?)

6. Hate Crimes (it’s even in the name!)

7. School Shootings

8. Serial Killing

9. Rape

10. Kidnapping and Torture

And the list goes on. Sadly, I know about these things because they are in the news all the time, right now, not just in the history books. But when was the last time you saw a news article about something positive, something loving, on the main page of the newspaper, or on any page for that matter? Unless it’s a fluff piece, or it’s buried on the last inside page of a section, it is very difficult to find love in the news. That’s because hate sells. Hate is more prevalent. And hate has lasting effects that feed off of each other, leaving utter devastation and an indelible handprint on the world. Hate is unavoidable if you live in this world, and that’s not something you can say with certainty about love.

So, does that mean hate is stronger than love?

“Why you gotta be so mean?” 

That’s a tricky question. Love is decidedly more popular. People do many amazing things for love, even if those things aren’t publicized. But people also go to extraordinary ends to show others how much they’re hated as well. Adults are posting videos to youTube of practical jokes that aren’t funny, of people being hurt and others laughing at them. This is hate, pure and simple. And it’s everywhere. It is undoubtedly strong enough to drive people to suicide , extensive therapy, and mental institutions. It can also pit father against son, mother against daughter, and sibling against sibling, what are supposed to be some of the strongest bonds you can create and sustain with love. Yet hate can and does rip those bonds to shreds over misunderstandings, and over irreconcilable decisions.

And we throw the word around like it’s a bag of Skittles we’re feeding to our dog. “I hate this test.” “I hate Mondays.” By doing this, we dull our senses to the ferocity the word should engender in us. It’s like overuse of the word “bitch,” and how it changes the meaning for us. But we forget that not everyone knows that the word means less for us now. They know that we used the word, and they know how strong the emotion is, even if we don’t even mean that emotion. That’s what can really lead to misunderstandings, things that sometimes never get resolved. Which is so sad, but true. I do my best to avoid the word at all costs, because by giving voice to it, I create the monster that then feeds without me. Amazingly enough, the same has gotten to be true with love as well. Love and hate are not opposites, by the way. The opposite of love is apathy. Hate has no opposite. It just is a black hole with no redemption, no light at the end of that tunnel, no going back.

Yes, hate IS stronger than love, because we make it that way. We show how important it is through our treatment and constant featuring of it. When most of the major historical events in our world involve intense hatred, it speaks volumes.  When was the last time we featured love and it wasn’t Valentine’s Day? So, yes, hate is stronger than love, but only because we allow it to be. We can reverse that trend, but we have to believe it.

Do you believe????

Sunday, July 01, 2018

July, 2018

And the thread is getting thinner & thinner.....

July, 01

The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remain as your legacy.

About my health

  The tricky part of illness is that, as you go through it, your values are constantly changing... You may decide you want to spend your tim...