Sunday, December 31, 2017


Everything passes. Everything changes. Just do what you think you should do.

I use the metaphor of the river to describe my journey from darkness to light, but it also applies to my life every day. Each day I must choose again which side of the river I will stand on. Each day brings with it new beauty and new struggle. There will always be 1,000 obstacles. But—there will also always be—a choice.

When the obstacles begin to stack themselves against you, will you buckle or endure? Are you willing to fight for this?

The things in your life that have power are the things that you choose to give power to. From fear to hope, weakness to determination—over the past few weeks, my emotions have run the gamut.

Fuck Friends....They only destroy what happiness you have. People must learn that happiness is an inward appreciation of oneself.

People are afraid of themselves, of their own reality; their feelings most of all. People talk about how great love is, but that's bullshit. Love hurts. Feelings are disturbing. People are taught that pain is evil and dangerous. How can they deal with love if they're afraid to feel? Pain is meant to wake us up. People try to hide their pain. But they're wrong. Pain is something to carry, like a radio. You feel your strength in the experience of pain. It's all in how you carry it. That's what matters. Pain is a feeling. Your feelings are a part of you. Your own reality. If you feel ashamed of them, and hide them, you're letting society destroy your reality. You should stand up for your right to feel your pain.

Sometimes you have to cut your losses & move on, for what you cling to destroys you in the end.

You know, sometimes all you need is twenty seconds of insane courage. Just literally twenty seconds of just embarrassing bravery. And I promise you, something great will come of it.

Friday, December 29, 2017

T.V ..... Maria Bethânia - "Sangrando" (Ao Vivo) – Carta de Amor

Quando eu soltar a minha voz
Por favor entenda
Que palavra por palavra
Eis aqui uma pessoa se entregando

Coração na boca
Peito aberto
Vou sangrando
São as lutas dessa nossa vida
Que eu estou cantando

Quando eu abrir minha garganta
Essa força tanta
Tudo que você ouvir
Esteja certa
Que estarei vivendo

Veja o brilho dos meus olhos
E o tremor nas minhas mãos
E o meu corpo tão suado
Transbordando toda a nossa emoção

E se eu chorar
E o sal molhar o meu sorriso
Não se espante, cante
Que o teu canto é a minha força
Pra cantar

Quando eu soltar a minha voz
Por favor, entenda
É apenas o meu jeito de viver
O que é amar

Cuando libero mi voz

Por favor entienda

Palabra por palabra

Aquí hay una persona que se entrega

Corazón en la boca

Pecho abierto

Estoy sangrando

Son las luchas de nuestras vidas

Que estoy cantando

Cuando abro mi garganta

Tal fuerza

Todo lo que oyes

tienes razón

Estaré viviendo

Ver el brillo de mis ojos

Y el temblor en mis manos

Y mi cuerpo tan sudoroso

Rebosando toda nuestra emoción

Y si lloro

Y la sal moja mi sonrisa

No te sorprendas, canta

Que tu canto es mi fuerza

A cantar

Cuando libero mi voz

Por favor entienda

Es sólo mi forma de vivir

Qué es el amor

Depeche Mode - Broken (Live Studio Session)

If you want control
Without any pain
How long will you suffer
How long you reign

You see the friend that I knew
Cannot be found
Replaced by another
Wearing his crown

There's a place where I go
Without any sound
Only you can reach me
Only you're allowed

Then you're so far away
You're so far from here
Do you remember
A time without tears

When you're falling I will catch you
You don't have to fall that far
You can make it, I will be there
You were broken from the start

When you were a child
You'd dream all day long
You'd dream of the future
Get lost in your songs

Now that time is gone
It's lost for you now
Words long forgotten
Forgotten somehow

When you're falling I will catch you
You don't have to fall that far
You can make it, I will be there
You were broken from the start

When you're falling I will catch you
You don't have to fall that far
You can make it, I will be there
You were broken from the start

When you're falling I will catch you
You don't have to fall that far
You can make it, I will be there
You were broken from the start

Bye Bye 2017

One more year gone. 2017 hmmm Lots of ups, a few downs, and much learned. 

When I think about being 46, I accept that even in the best case scenario I’m probably half way done with my time on this planet. I’m happy with my physical self – I’m probably in the best shape I’ve been in since I was in my early 20’s :o)... Sarcasm 😉😊

As I get older, this becomes more and more important to me - that I become at peace with myself and who I am and understand how God can use even me. I am just now becoming accepting of myself. I spent years fighting who I was and lamenting "me"- always wanting to be something I am not - longing to be more beautiful, more talented, quieter, less sensitive, whatever!!!

I’ve worked really hard to get to a place where I get to spend almost all of my time with people who I want to spend time with. I’ve been able to do this while figuring out how to engage with lots of new, interesting people all the time. I’m going to work even harder at this at 46 – more great people, no assholes.

So my resolution for 2018 is continue spending almost all of my time with people who I want to spend time with. And today I will stop to thank God that I am loved. I will stop and remember that I AM special, no matter what others tell me.

La Destruccion es Blanca

Thursday, December 28, 2017

V. 12/28

Cuando mis últimas sombras se aferran desesperadamente
Donde peleo batallas formidables
simplemente sostener la luz
Te envío vibraciones amorosas
y sustento del alma
En lo profundo de un corazón a otro
donde hoy no cantan los coros
ni las sinfonías juegan
Sin embargo, es aquí donde nos encontramos
en consuelo espiritual
aquí para rendirse
e intercambiamos tesoros inestimables
recordando recuerdos
como cartas sin abrir

Misteriosos momentos mágicos
Amarga dulce la música
tensas cuerdas de guitarra
pero ahora aprobado por la sangre
por favor, 
vuelve a tu risa
y cabalga en la brisa
porque no todos están perdidos
cambiar no
porque estoy contigo siempre
amar, escuchar y consolar como uno
contigo en mí y yo en ti
como obra maestra.

Saturday, December 16, 2017


It sucks when you're being ignored by the only person you want attention from. It hurts getting absolutely no love from the only person you're in love with. It's sad when you get no conversation from the only one you want to talk to.

I always get irrationally angry when people post pictures on Facebook with captions like, "A Mother's Love is Forever," and "Nothing Is Stronger Than The Bond Between Mother and Child."
What a bunch of bullshit. When my dad died the rest of my family abandoned me and walked out of my life years ago, and never looked back.
I think it would've been much easier had if they  died. It's hard knowing that they are out there, living their life, being mother to my brother.
It's better that she's out of my life. She wasn't good for me, and my life improved significantly once she removed herself from it. Now that she's not in the picture, it's easier to see more objectively just how terrible she really was as a mother to me; my most basic needs went un-met. I'm so much healthier and better off without her in my life.
But, even though intellectually I understand this, not having a mother still stings, and leaves me feeling rejected. I still want a mother.
So how do I deal with it? How does one cope with the loss of a parent not to death, but by parental abandonment?…
The wound gets less raw as the years go on, and I take a lot of comfort in that. In another seven years, maybe it won't hurt at all. Maybe I'll be able to get through a Mother's Day without bitter tears and an all-consuming jealousy of my mothered friends.
Yes, I get so bitterly jealous of my friends who have relationships with their parents, that I start to resent them. And that's so unhealthy. I'm still working on getting over it. Years of therapy have taught me to focus on the positives and try to forget about her.
Maybe what makes me angriest: how much time I've devoted to worrying about her, thinking about her, loving her. It's time that I let go and stop being so angry. I want to turn the page completely, but my thumb and forefinger are still gripping it tightly, unwilling to move on.
This is me letting go. This is me giving the five year old in me a hug and tucking her into a warm, safe bed. This is me learning that I'm content within myself, and that I'm happy for my friends with parents, not resentful. Good for them. I hope they appreciate what they have in their relationships. I hope they know how special that bond is, because my story is proof that there isn't an automatic biological bond that forces the mother to love the child; the parent makes a decision to love the child or not. Mine chose not to, and I feel sorry for her, because I'm a fantastic person who's worthy of love, and she'll never get to see that. She'll miss out on my whole life, and I pity her for it.
That's how you move on when a parent abandons you: You create your own life for yourself, feel sorry for yourself for a minute, then learn to pity your parent, and move on.
The missing parent isn't worth your time or even the energy it takes to miss them. They're pathetic, they're nothing, they're gone. Now's your time to be strong, build yourself up and just let go.


Love is understood, in a historical way, as one of the great human vocations-but its counterspell has always been infidelity. This terrible, terrible betrayal that can tear apart not only another person, not only oneself, but whole families. There is no greater blessing than a family hand that lifts you from a fall; but there is not lower curse than a family hand that strikes you when you're down.


You grow up and understand how the world is.

Betrayal, using for selfish interests, backbiting, interest-induced behaviour and judgmental attitude are a part and parcel of the world we live in. No one, no matter how brilliant, beautiful, rich or kind, has been able to escape it.

No one.

If you have changed for the worse due to adversity, then that is an unconscious choice you have made. You can always control your thought and mould your attitude; you could have chosen to keep up your jolliness and not let it be affected by any external factors.

This is all easy to say and hard to do- I will vouch for that. But no one said life is going to be easy. 

The point is whether you want to keep your personality at the mercy of others. No one can make you feel what you feel without your permission. It takes time, but you can take the permission away.

You can also mould yourself to reduce your material and emotional needs from people which would automatically translate into lesser betrayals and lesser judgmental attitude.

You can judge every situation based on its importance in the world and your life at large- is it making a difference in the world of 6 billion+ people? Is it going to matter in your 80-odd years of life? Most of the times the answer is going to be no. Then why bother?

You can accept the fact that people are going to come to you for help because you are capable of giving it. You need to figure out a way of balancing the act of giving with not letting yourself being used like a doormat.

You can find things/activities that will keep up your personality to the level you want. 

Love people, don't depend on them.

Friday, December 15, 2017



They said it'd get better ....

No matter how hard I try to concentrate on other things and sparking, my thoughts keep going back to him.

I have a hole in my heart that only my dad can fill. He was my rock and always will be as I listen to my inner voice recalling his strong assurances that I could do anything I put my mind to.

My dad taught me what unconditional love is. He was not the one to come right out and say "I Love You and he was not the lovey dovey huggy kind of guy BUT he was one to always be there to bail me out of whatever situation I managed to get myself into and he NEVER gave up on me. I was never a secure teenager and loved to party in my young adult years, how he put up with me I will never know.

I am trying my best to keep my promise to take care of myself. How I just wish I had learned more from you . The last few months you tried to cram showing me how to mow the lawn, use the weedwacker, edge the walkway, drain the furnace, replace circuit breakers, and on and on. Oh Dad, I just didn't have enough time to take it all in. so if you are listening dad and reading this could you send an extreme home makeover this way.

The hole in my heart remains and I try to keep it plugged with memories of you,..

Daddy 💔 💔

The loss of a father
Is a heavy burden to bear.
He's a source of quiet strength
That is so missed when he's not there.

Take comfort he's in Heaven,
And looking down at you.
He'll be there through the coming years,
Watching over and guiding you.

He's your very own guardian angel,
And he'll be with you to the end,
When you meet again in Heaven,
And your broken heart will finally mend.

Nnow that man who loved me,
And wrapped me in arms so strong
Has gone where I can't reach him,
But my love for him lives on.

I'll keep his memory alive,
and honor all he believed,
And just feel so very grateful
For all his love that I received.

Martin Garrix & Dua Lipa - Scared To Be Lonely (Acoustic)

It was great at the very start
Hands on each other
Couldn't stand to be far apart
Closer the better

Now we're picking fights and slamming doors
Magnifying all our flaws
And I wonder why, wonder what for
Why we keep coming back for more?

Is it just our bodies? 
Are we both losing our minds?
Is the only reason you're holding me tonight?
Because we're scared to be lonely?
Do we need somebody just to feel
Like we're alright?
Is the only reason you're holding me tonight?
Because we're scared to be lonely?

Too much time, losing track of us
Where was the real?
Undefined, spiraling out of touch
Forgot how it feels

All the messed up fights and slamming doors
Magnifying all our flaws
And I wonder why, wonder what for
It's like we keep coming back for more

Is it just our bodies? 
Are we both losing our minds?
Is the only reason you're holding me tonight?
Because we're scared to be lonely?
Do we need somebody just to feel
Like we're alright?
Is the only reason you're holding me tonight?
Because we're scared to be lonely?

Scared to be lonely

Even when we know it's wrong
Been somebody 
Better for us all along
Tell me, how can we keep holding on?
Holding on tonight 
Because we're scared to be lonely
Even when we know it's wrong
Been somebody 
Better for us all along
Tell me, how can we keep holding on?
Holding on tonight 
Because we're scared to be lonely

Is it just our bodies? 
Are we both losing our minds?
Is the only reason you're holding me tonight?
Because we're scared to be lonely?

Scared to be lonely...

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Eminem - Walk On Water (Lyric Video) ft. Beyoncé

I walk on water
But I ain't no Jesus
I walk on water
But only when it freezes
Why, are expectations so high?
Is it the bar I set?
My arms, I stretch, but I can’t reach
A far cry from it, or it's in my grasp, but as
Soon as I grab, squeeze
I lose my grip like the flying trapeze
Into the dark, I plummet
Now the sky's blackening, I know the mark’s high
Butterflies rip apart my stomach
Knowing that no matter what bars I come with
You're gonna hark, gripe, and that's a hard Vicodin to swallow
So I scrap these, as pressure increases, like khakis
I feel the ice cracking, because
I walk on water
But I ain't no Jesus
I walk on water
But only when it freezes
It's the curse of the standard
That the first of the Mathers disc set
Always in search of the verse that I haven't spit yet
Will this step just be another misstep
To tarnish whatever the legacy, love or respect, I've garnered?
The rhyme has to be perfect, the delivery flawless
And it always feels like I'm hitting the mark
’til I go sit in the car, listen, and pick it apart
Like, "this shit is garbage"
God’s given me all this
Still I feel no different regardless
Kids look to me like as a god, this is retarded
If only they knew, it's a facade and it’s exhaustive
And I try to not listen to nonsense
But if you bitches are trying to strip me of my confidence
Mission accomplished
I'm not God-sent
Nas, Rakim, Pac, Big, James Todd Smith, and I'm not Prince, so
I walk on water
But I ain't no Jesus
I walk on water
But only when it freezes
'Cause I'm only human, just like you
Making my mistakes, oh if you only knew
I don't think you should believe in me the way you do
'Cause I'm terrified to let you down, oh
It's true, I'm a Rubik's, a beautiful mess
At times juvenile, yes, I goof and I jest
A flawed human, I guess
But I'm doing my best to not ruin your expectations 
And meet 'em, but first, the "Speedom" verse
Now, Big Sean, he's going too fast
Is he gonna shout or curse out his mom?
There was a time I had the world by the balls, eating out my palm
Every album, song I was spazzin' the fuck out on
And now I'm getting clowned and frowned on
But the only one who's looking down on me that matters now's Deshaun
Am I lucky to be around this long?
Begs the question, though
Especially after the methadone
As yesterday fades and the Dresden home is burnt to the ground
And all that's left of my house is lawn
The crowds are gone
And it's time to wash out the blonde
Sales decline, the curtains drawn
They're closing the set, I'm still poking my head out from behind
And everyone who has doubt, remind
Now take your best rhyme, outdo it, now do it a thousand times
Now let 'em tell ya the world no longer cares or gives a fuck about your rhymes
And as I grow outta sight, outta mind, I might go outta mine
'Cause how do I, ever let this mic go without a fight
When I made a fuckin' tightrope outta twine?
But when I do fall from these heights, though, I'll be fine
I won't pout or cry or spiral down or whine
But I'll decide if it's my final bow this time around 'cause
I walk on water
But I ain't no Jesus
I walk on water
But only when it freezes
'Cause I'm only human, just like you
I been making my mistakes, oh if you only knew
I don't think you should believe in me the way that you do
'Cause I'm terrified to let you down, oh
If I walked on water, I would drown
'Cause I'm just a man, but as long as I got a mic I'm godlike
So me and you are not alike
Bitch, I wrote "Stan"

About my health

  The tricky part of illness is that, as you go through it, your values are constantly changing... You may decide you want to spend your tim...