Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Soul Rape....

“It is not the the bruises on the body that hurt. It is the wounds of the heart and the scars on the mind.”

When You raped me,
You took my happiness
And instilled nothing but fear to me
You took away my smile and gave me sadness
My laughter turned into tears
You made me believe I was nothing and a no one
You made me believe no one was by my side
That I was a loner
You gave me depression
I easily accepted for I thought I really was
A good for nothing soul
You took away all I had

Truth is, as much as you hurt me,
Tore me apart and ripped my being to shreds
I felt no pain, not that I resisted it
But because I possessed it no longer
You had pained me so much when you raped me
That I gave up crying and trying to run for help
When you raped me, you changed me into an empty animal
A fool I would say
I was empty, so empty
I resent you damnit for all you did to me.
I now possess anger that you penetrated into me
For God knows what reasons
Some say it’s greed and yet I still don’t understand it

There are days and nights that I still cry
And can’t even sleep or eat
For I still feel your presence
I can hear you breathing
There are nights I feel like committing suicide
But I never can go through with it

When you raped me
You left nothing but hatred and anger
I’m filled with all the wrong feelings because of you
I hate you

When you raped me,
You gave me the worst feeling; FEAR
A feeling I despise more than I hate you.

I am to bury all those feelings and move on with life
For they are only destroying me
As I bury them all, as well as the animal me
The empty me, a NEW me is formed

When you raped me
You opened my eyes


This Is What It Feels Like To Be Raped

This is going to be difficult for me to write, but I’m sure it’s even more difficult for you to read. I’m nobody important, but I’ve been through things that nobody should ever have to go through. And so many others have gone through the same horrible things. But I want to be the voice for all of us, to describe in detail what we’ve gone through. Maybe you’ve been through it too, or maybe you have no idea what it’s like to be hurt at all. Either way, I’m here to speak my message and tell you what it feels like to be raped.

It isn’t just about rape. It’s about everything that falls under “sexual assault”, all the things that everyone just brushes under the rug. The things that aren’t okay, no matter what the circumstances are. It doesn’t matter that my bra strap was showing through my shirt, or that my initial friendliness towards you was anything more than it was. It doesn’t matter that I was okay with you kissing me, so you felt entitled to forcefully grope me as well. It doesn’t even matter if I’m in a relationship with you, because NO will always have the same definition.

To be raped is to be broken, in more ways than I could ever count. To be raped is to have somebody reach inside to your soul, and force it to slowly die. Have you ever had somebody grab your hand, maybe playfully at first, but then hold on just a little too tightly, and for a moment you realize you’re not strong enough to break free and just have to wait for your hand to be released? It’s a common scenario, something that happens all the time on the preschool playground, starting all the way from playful childhood. Imagine that feeling, that moment where you realize you aren’t strong enough to break free when that person grabs your wrist, and imagine that feeling applied to your whole body. Your arms, legs, voice, everything…become useless. Your body isn’t even your body anymore. It belongs to them. And not only your body, but everything you are is exposed and ripped away from you. And there’s nothing for you to do except wait. At some point, you stop struggling, or maybe you never even could, paralyzed by fear or alcohol. And you feel as though anything in the world could be better than this. Even death. You may even pray that you could choose death instead. Unfortunately, you couldn’t, and every second that passed felt like an hour, excruciating hour by excruciating hour.

When it’s over, when your body is freed, you feel foreign in your own skin. Your body isn’t your body anymore; it’s contaminated, destroyed.
I took ten showers and I still didn’t feel clean. For weeks and months and maybe even years following, you still find it hard to recognize yourself, or think of yourself as the person you were before you were raped. It’s not something that can ever be erased, even as the physical bruises fade. Every person around you becomes a virtual threat and sometimes I still hold my breath when I walk past a group of boys because I know what people are capable of.

Why did this happen to me? Why did this happen to you? I’ve felt angry, confused, terrified, scared, powerless. Why do people do horrible things? I don’t think I’ll ever know the answer, and for a while, I just wanted to die. But I didn’t, because even though every day I lived on felt like I was being dragged through glass, I saw good things around me and I realized that not everything is bad and evil.

I became friends with boys that I’ve grown to trust, that I feel safe around. If you’ve gone through this, you know what I’m talking about. It takes time. Nothing will ever erase what happened to you, and sooner or later you’ll have to acknowledge the event in order to begin healing from it. During therapy, I had to relive one of the worst encounters I’ve had, and it was one of the most painful things I’ve had to go through. After months and months of being numb, I had to rip off the band-aid that I’d placed on my soul and expose it again so I could learn how to stitch myself together to properly heal.

I can’t fix you, your friends can’t fix you, and future relationships can’t even fix you. Alcohol and drugs can’t erase what happened to you, and trust me, I’ve tried. You might never be able to go back to the person you used to be, but it is possible for you to heal and finally learn to recognize yourself. You didn’t deserve what happened to you, and it’s not fair. But I promise you that you’re going to be okay, and that this can make you even stronger. Don’t be afraid to share your story, or reach out to others that have gone through similar experiences. Together we can spread awareness and learn to be live again. 

"Childhood should be carefree, playing in the sun; not living a nightmare in the darkness of the soul"

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Isaac Gracie - terrified

well i sleep all day 
and drink all night 
just give me one good reason 
i’ll turn out my light 
now i’m terrified 
now i’m terrified 

and i’ve heard all the people 
calling my name but they’ll never see just 
how i’ve changed 
now i’m terrified 
now i’m terrified 

cos i don’t wanna be your boy, i wanna be your man 
but something’s got me wrong inside 
now i’m looking for the answer i don’t understand
and, darling i am terrified 
i’m terrified that maybe 
i wasn’t cut out for this 
you know i’m terrified that maybe 
i wasn’t cut out for this 

i know it’s hard to explain how, it got this way 
and people only want to know why 
well i wish i had the answer that would make it ok 
the truth is i’m just terrified

cos i don’t wanna be your boy, i wanna be your man 
but something’s got me wrong inside 
now i’m looking for the answer i don’t understand
and darling i am terrified 
i’m terrified that maybe 
i wasn’t cut out for this 
you know i’m terrified that maybe 
i wasn’t cut out for this 

you know, you can come and save me
but you’d have to take a risk 
cause i‘m terrified that maybe 
i wasn’t cut out for this 
i wasn’t cut out for this 

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Lose your mind

"You don't need much to lose your mind for a minute."

Heal my soul... Recover my faith!!!

My heart is aching and my spirit is broken, I am on my knees, depleted and defeated. I wanted to give up but there’s a tiny part of me that still whispers hold on for dear life; my faith has been shaken, my faith, the most precious thing I ever had and my life has been split into fragments I can’t seem to put back together. 

Yes, this is so painful and yes it seems hopeless, but no, it rarely is. Sometimes, panic is a reminder that we still want to hope for the things we’ve lost hope for, and tragedy is a reminder that we can still feel in a world that doesn’t want us to. Sometimes, when we feel like we’re sleeping our way through life, we’re really reawakening to the truth. It’s never easy taking the red pill or casting light on the shadows of the cave you once mistook reality for, but sometimes, it’s a necessary evil we swallow, because each trapdoor could be the portal to the path that leads us anywhere but here.

The truth is, grieving is never a straight line, it comes full circle and we might be forced to live through it again and again. Healing is never linear, it’s a maze of distortions, confusion, smoke and mirrors, pain that was never spoken and invisible scars, battle wounds that never made it to the surface. The worst wars may be fought alone and in your own head.

Healing has no timeline, no deadline, and no concrete measure like pills in a cup – in fact, forcing yourself to heal or comparing your healing to others is a prescription for poison rather than a cure. Sometimes healing comes in a quiet silence or a less shaky breath when you speak. Sometimes it’s the courage to walk outdoors and confront the demons that don’t exist. Sometimes healing comes in the tiny moments that no one ever thinks to say “thank you” for. And sometimes, the best way to heal is to know that there are some things that cannot be healed, won’t be healed or aren’t meant to be healed in the ways we think they are – they’re meant to be channeled and transformed.

The truth is, what feels like your crucifixion doesn’t have any quick fixes, only slow movements in a never ending dance. Time or words alone can’t always soothe the wounds that can’t be put into language. Trauma can speak in a foreign tongue and weave its code into every cell – this is the type of pain where the body and the mind both keep the score. Sometimes the only band-aids you have are platitudes mixed with raw truth – the days where you feel like you won’t survive and the days where you learn you can, and all the  beautifully horrific moments in between.

The shock of the pain may never fully go away, it’s just numbed and buried beneath tombs, beneath new memories, waiting to erupt through the cracks and crevices left open in your thoughts. Thoughts that wrap around your body like a choke-hold, never seeming to let go. But in these thoughts, there are gaps, opportunities to interrupt the old tapes playing in the background, frozen in time.

That’s because experiencing overwhelming pain doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try to sketch new thoughts, or paint new memories, because pain can be as transformative as the art on a torn canvas. It can make you appreciate all the small joys you’d never think to relish. You are forced to remember the things you took for granted, the ones that appeared minuscule, and realize their larger-than-life roles in the grand scheme of things. In truth, pain is the excuse you needed to embrace all you have to be grateful for and all the things you fear losing so much you’ll now work even harder to keep.

Because when you feel like you’re dying, a life of pain reminds you to savor the things that matter, the things that are left worth fighting for.

Breathe just breathe, because when you breathe through what you’ve been through and remember all the days that you survived and all the days you didn’t want to, you’ll remember the brief moments that were so important, the quick snapshots of your life that delayed you burying your head in the sand, never to come out again. The ones that made you use the voice you silenced – the voice trapped within for years. The strange happenings that made you smile for the first time in weeks, the rare kindness of strangers who lent a hand, or the surprising reminders that God still laughs even when you’ve forgotten how.

Don’t worry if one day, the pain seems to be at a standstill and you forget the old narratives running through your head, or if you rewrite your story even before you’ve lived another tale. Don’t be afraid of your own powerlessness, and don’t be afraid of your own power.

In the worst moments of your life, it’s helpful to remember that when a chrysalis appears to shake violently, it’s actually not breaking, it’s warding off predators – and that sometimes when it turns black, it’s actually unfolding into something new. Destruction can be the incentive for creation and self-protection. Crucifixion, the pathway for resurrection.

The pause in between, a much-needed hibernation that happens before rising once more.

Yet change isn’t always so immediate, or easy or even gratifying or desirable. Sometimes, change comes on a slow spin of the world on its axis and gravity is the only thing keeping you grounded. Even the most glorious changes are excessively painful during the time we go through them. We don’t look back at those deaths the same way we do when we’re in the midst of dying – we don’t see them as rebirths, we see them as cruel fates we are undeserving of.

But be sure that one day in the future there will be the privilege of more awakenings and of more happiness than you can capture in photographs; new growing pains and new first drafts. Rest assured that if you do not give up now, you’ll get to change the course of everything that’s still unwritten.

Healing is a process. Something doesn’t just end and you accept it.

Healing is a process. It’s takes you understanding why something didn’t work out. It takes learning that some people just aren’t meant for you.

In your head that’s easy. You can say it over and over again but when your heart is conflicted, logic and what makes sense doesn’t seem to anymore.

Tore between what you know is right and what you want to be right you’re stuck in this limbo of wanting to move back to a time when things were different. Where the possibility of a future seemed real. Suddenly you realize any next steps towards the future are ones you’re taking alone. So you stand still not knowing where to go.
That’s healing.

Healing is a process. It’s loving someone but loving them enough to let them be. Even when you don’t want to.

Then acceptance comes. With the things you can’t change, you’re forced to move on.

Maybe you’ve noticed her pull away a bit. Maybe you don’t talk like you used to. Maybe she doesn’t blowup your newsfeed nor do you do the same. Maybe you know she’s hurting.
Desesperately trying to fix herself. Find herself. Heal.

Maybe she’s growing distant because she’s trying to heal.

And as much as she’d love to talk to you or tell you things, she’s gotta put her phone down.

She reminds herself, “if they wanted to be with me they  would be.”
“If they, specially  she want to talk to me, she can call, she will answer the damn phone and will say to me I LOVE YOU AND MISS YOU .... But, it's been already more than 4 years that she say, I HATE YOU.”

Maybe you don’t realize she’s trying to distance herself.

But when you do realize it and when you start to miss her too…stop.

Don’t make it harder for her than it needs to be.

Don’t ask her how she is. Don’t check in.

Everything about you reminds her of things that couldn’t be.

So when you see her and she doesn’t smile like she used to, when she doesn’t talk to you the way she used to, when she doesn’t look at you the way she used to, it isn’t because she doesn’t care.
The truth is she cares about you more than anyone in her life.

But she can’t keep holding onto something that hurts as bad as it does.

The hardest lesson we will ever learn is when to let go and when to try harder.

She’s growing distant because she needs to because she needs to know what a life is like without you and she hates the idea of it.

There sadness to becoming strangers with someone who knows you better than most. But there’s greater sadness trying to keep someone who isn’t meant for you. And the greatest sadness of all is losing yourself to someone else.

So when she pulls away or doesn’t answer or tries to ignore you, don’t take it personally. Take it as she needs to heal. She deserves to heal.

When you leave everything you know behind, you will hurt people. You don’t want to hurt these people, but it’s an inevitability. You will be soaked in the guilt of knowing that you’re doing what’s right for you but not for them. You will hear Regina Spektor’s “Small Town Moon” play over and over in your head.

“How can I leave without hurting everyone that made me?/How can I leave without hurting everyone that made me?”

You will try to imagine a life without the people who molded and shaped you. You soon realize you can not only imagine this kind of life but live it. 

You will wonder if you’re making the right choice? How could a choice that was supposed to be relieving and filled with possibility be so detrimental and scarring for others? You will not be able to answer these questions.

But you will do your best to be gentle with the people hurting. You will assure them. You will do your best.

When you leave everything you know behind, you will get lonely. The kind of loneliness that is palpable. You will hang up pictures. You will surround yourself with the faces of the people who know you best. You’ll stare at these pictures and pray to God no one forgets you. Before you unpack your dishes, you’ll set up the perfect guest room. You’ll put out fresh towels and linens and make the bed just right–just in case anyone wants to come visit this summer.

You will walk your dognd you will cry. You will second-guess why you did this. You will wonder if you’ll ever make friends. You will miss your  friends to the point where you can no longer stand. You will kneel on the sidewalk. You will take a deep breath. You will let the loneliness pass through you with the bay breeze. You will stand.

When you leave everything you know behind, you will feel liberated. You will feel brave and proud and strong. You left behind comfort for adventure. You are fucking brave. You dug into the dirt and pulled your roots out with both hands. You replanted them in a place filled with scary unknowns. You took a risk. You leapt blindly into the darkness. And in this darkness, no one knows you. No one knows your past. No one knows your memories tainted with loss and gut-punching sadness–the kind of sadness that you can physically feel course through your veins. The kind of sadness that smothered you until you couldn’t breathe. These ghosts are still attached to your life, but they are no longer living in the same room as you. They are still in your heart, but they will feel lighter. You will feel lighter.

When you leave everything you know behind, you will change. You will feel humbled. You will feel small. You will feel strong. You will get to know yourself on entirely different level (all that alone time, y’know?). You will be intentional with friendships. You will miss what you used to call home. You will call home. You will explore. You will open yourself up. You will adapt. You will survive. You will feel lost. You will wonder when this place will stop feeling like a vacation. You will yearn for familiarity. You will learn how strong and resilient you really are. You will grow. You will realize that everything you left behind is really everything that made you who you are today–and you will keep those people and those places in the safest space of your heart where they can never get hurt. 

Small Town Moon
Regina Spektor

I must've lived a thousand times
But every day begins the same
'Cause there's a small town in my mind
How can I leave without hurting everyone that made me?
How can I leave without hurting everyone that made me?
Oh, baby, baby, it's all about the moon
I wish you wouldn't have broken my camera
'Cause we're gonna get real old real soon
Today we're younger than we ever gonna be
Today we're younger than we ever gonna be
Today we're younger than we ever gonna be
Stop, stop, what's the hurry?
Come on, baby, don't you worry, worry
Everybody not so nice, nice
Everybody not so nice, nice
Stop, stop, what's the hurry?
Come on, baby, don't you worry, worry
Everybody not so nice, nice
Everybody not so nice, nice
Thought you ought to know by now
I thought you ought to know by now
Everybody not so nice, nice
Everybody not so nice, nice
Oh, baby, baby, baby, baby, baby, baby, baby, baby
Baby, baby, baby, baby it's all about the moon
I must've lived a thousand times
But there's a small town in my mind
How can I leave without hurting everyone that made me?
How can I leave without hurting everyone that made me?
How can I leave without hurting everyone that made me?
Oh, how can I leave without hurting everyone that made me?
Oh oh!
How can I leave without hurting everyone that made me?

Friday, June 22, 2018

#ProudToBe: Celebrate Brave Voices this Pride

In a world where some people still try to silence LGBTQ+ voices, the act of being yourself is an act of bravery for all to see. And in the context of a global climate that highlights the vulnerability of LGBTQ+ rights, it’s more important than ever that LGBTQ+ voices and stories are shared and heard. 

An inclusive, vibrant, ever-expanding LGBTQ+ community has been a vital part of YouTube since we started. And we’re proud to stand with a group that believes every human being deserves the right to be who they are and love who they love. So to all those brave voices who continue to make Youtube the colorful, diverse and supportive place it is, we’re #ProudToBe with you.

Proud To Be Gay

“The best thing about coming out is, it's totally liberating. You feel like you've made this incredible discovery about yourself and you want to share it and be open and honest and not spend all your time wondering how is this person going to react, or should I be careful around this person, or what will the neighbors say? And it's more. It's about getting past the question of what's wrong with me, to knowing there's nothing wrong, that you were born this way. You're a normal person and a beautiful person and you should be proud of who you are. You deserve to live with dignity and show people your pride.” 
― Julie Anne Peters, Keeping You a Secret

Dan Reynolds (Imagine Dragons) & Hans Zimmer – "Skipping Stones" (From t...

I wake up every morning with a new resolve
Two hands and one heart, let the world revolve
One eye to the ocean and one to the sky
One life of devotion and where am I?
One heart to love within my chest
One life to live

I keep skipping stones, hoping for a change
But things just stay the same
I keep walking roads, looking for a home
That I can call my own
Skipping stones
I'm skipping stones
I'm skipping stones
I'm skipping stones

[Verse 2]
One chance to reach out and find a place for me
One chance to find love for all humanity
One eye to the mountain and one to the sands
One dime for the fountain and one for my hand
One heart to love within my chest

I keep skipping stones, hoping for a change
But things just stay the same
I keep walking roads, looking for a home
That I can call my own
Skipping stones
I'm skipping stones
I'm skipping stones
I'm skipping stones

Skipping stones
I'm skipping stones
I'm skipping stones
I'm skipping stones

Love is not a product of reasonings and statistics. It just comes — none knows whence — and cannot explain itself
Love is a madness, if thwarted it develops fast
When you fish for love, bait with your heart, not your brain

I keep skipping stones, hoping for a change
But things just stay the same
I keep walking roads, looking for a home
That I can call my own
Skipping stones
I'm skipping stones
I'm skipping stones
I'm skipping stones
Skipping stones
I'm skipping stones
I'm skipping stones
I'm skipping stones

Wednesday, June 20, 2018


If People Are Talking About You Behind Your Back, Then Just Fart. Lol 😂 
I think you guys will appreciate it .... xoxox

Thursday, June 14, 2018


Saben porque hablo ahora? porque ya es suficiente! 46 anos de sufrimiento, de manipulaciones y abusos.  Siempre fui tratada diferente, no por mi padre, el daba la vida por mi... la avergonzaba porque desde que naci fui gay, closet que es closet??? porque siempre me decia "hay cosas que no se deben decir que quedan en la casa" .... Le doy gracias a Dios, y es por ello que creo fervientemente en El por haberme dado las fuerzas.  SI, soy una convencida de que naci con vocacion religiosa, a los 16 me hice monja y tuve que salir porque "ya tenian otros planes, ya TENIA", a los 18 me hice numeraria del Opus Dei, ya se ya se la opinion que pueden tener del Opus Dei y les pido respeto porque a mi ellos me salvaron la vida, ahora estaria perdida sino fuera por la formacion, el afecto ... la esperanza.  Tambien tuve que salirme porque ella tenia otros planes.  

Hay una jaculatoria "Si Dios me pide mas es porque puedo dar mas" y cuantas veces he renegado mirando y diciendo Dios mio mas????!!!!! Mi mejor amiga "T" tambien me salvo muchas veces.  Es muy dificil vivir sin entender el porque mucho mas para gente analitica como yo.  Una vez mi amiga Katty me dijo "uy tu estas jodida porque eres inteligente y analitica, eres generosa, eres muy ultra sensible... os sea = SUFRIRAS POR SIEMPRE".  Yo no se ser de otra manera y lo escribo a modo de ejercicio porque me deformaron creyendo que nadie me iba a querer, que no tenia cerebro, que la unica forma de afecto era el sexo.... Por otro lado, mi padre tratando con sus salvavidas.

Hoy hablo y seguire hablando porque yo puedo aguantar mas... pero necesito dignificar a mi padre de alguna forma porque el maltrato hacia el fue lo mas perverso que he escuchado.

Nunca me perdonare no habermelo traido a NYC, yo no sabia que sufria tanto, porque papa tuviste que aguantar tanto... ME JODE EN LO MAS PROFUNDO DE MI SER que esta gente no reconozca nada, no conmigo sino con el.

Mi tia Peggy por quien me entere que no era hija de esa Senora el dia que hablamos, ella esta aca en USA yo estaba en Lima me dijo que porque lo deje a mi papa en la casa? yo no queria irme a mi me echaron, la senora y el pseudo hermano, porque si y yo luche cuanto pude por quedarme con mi padre pero el mismo me pidio que me fuera porque sabia que me harian dano. Tia Peggy te pido perdon porque debi ser mas fuerte e imponerme.

Me han echado de esa casa (MI CASA TAMBIEN) mas de 3 o 4 veces... a veces volteo y me pregunto porque no reaccione, porque senor? he dormido en la calle y no porque no podia pagar un hotel sino porque yo percibo los hoteles como muy tanaticos... he llegado al punto que no puedo acercarme a esa cuadra .... A mi no me importa el dinero y ellos lo saben y les jode que no este ahi para firmar una vez mas las ventas... les jode que no puedan destruirme... les jode que tenga una vida nueva ahora y que sea libre, SIIIII SOY GAY Y LO VOLVERIA A SER y no del closet.... soy libre no como ustedes... les jode que tenga unas primas Corcuera que me quieran tanto, les jode que tenga una Karen S. que me ama como familia, les jode que tenga a Susy y Amada mis hermanas del alma... si, les jode porque hicieron lo indecible por perturbarme y llevarme al precipicio... les jode que este re sana, les jode que tenga mas inteligencia que ellos, les jode que no sea una drogadicta, les jode que sea una persona decente, buena y amada... 

SENORES NO ME HARE MAS DANO PORQUE MI PAPI ME LO PIDIO ANTES DE MORIR... y existe un Dios y el Karma y se que lo que les va a tocar vivir sera horroroso.  El dia del velorio de mi papi, y quiero pedir disculpas, estaba muy mal porque mi papi paso tres dias en la ER del empleado con una enfermera llamandome y estos senores no me dejaron ir ... no dejaron que fueran mis amigos ... mi papi diciendo "NANA NANA NANA" y estos ni siquiera estaban, me lo comento la enfermera.... 

Hablo hoy porque no tengo miedo de lo que sean capaces... me lo quitaron todo hasta la identidad, he recuperado mi fe, mi familia porque si los LLAQUE somos la cagada!!! y los CORCUERA ufff ... Agradezco eternamente a Cesar por su apoyo incondicional, a Rosamar, a Javier... y mis primitas Alegria.

Hablo hoy porque senores este es mi seguro... es una lastima que haya terminado asi pero yo ya no podia mendigar mas amor de quienes no me querian pero nada!!!! 

Hablo hoy, porque mi papa desde el cielo me lo pide.  Que se sepa al menos esto.  Tienen miedo de mi libro y para que no les de un infarto esperare para publicarlo pero basicamente es esto y lo que todos uds ya saben sobre los demas pero que ellos creen que es secreto...

Hablo hoy porque nunca me senti tan sana, tan fuerte, tan querida.... y finalmente hablo hoy porque senores necesitaba decirlo... 


Que Dios perdone a esta gente ... solo existe un Dios a quien le rendiran cuentas... todo da vueltas y ya empezo a dar vueltas....


The truth is only one and I don’t fear it 

When you show up authentic, you create the space for others to do the same. Walk in your truth.

As long as the people don't fear the truth, there is hope. For once they fear it, the one who tells it doesn't stand a chance. And today, truth is still beautiful... but so frightening.

PS: Para los que se preguntan quien es mi madre biologica? NO IDEA WHATSOEVER y ningun interes ... parte de esta libertad maravillosa es que podre conocerme sin cargar mochilas ajenas o impuestas 😁 en realidad mas curiosidad me da saber porque mi papi nunca me dijo nada y porque esta gente espero a que muriera para decirme al dia siguiente "Bueno solo nos une lo material, tu no perteneces a esta famiia" (Presentes la Dra, su hermana y Carlos)

An update...

El amor siempre tendrá un límite y es la dignidad. Porque ese respeto que cada uno tenemos por nosotros mismos tiene un precio muy alto y jamás aceptará rebajas con las que saciar un amor que no llena, que duele y vulnera.

Lo creamos o no, la dignidad es ese hilo frágil y delicado que tantas veces comprometemos, que puede quebrarse hasta descoser los vínculos de nuestras relaciones afectivas.

Son muchas las ocasiones en que cruzamos esa frontera sin querer hasta dejarnos llevar por unos extremos en los que nuestros límites morales se vuelven débiles, pensamos que por amor todo vale la pena y que cualquier renuncia es poca. Porque el amor y la dignidad son dos corrientes en un océano convulso, en el cual incluso el marinero más experimentado puede perder el rumbo.

El amor se siente, se toca y se crea cada día

Si no percibimos nada de esto, no servirá de nada pedirlo, y menos esperar sentados a que acontezca un milagro que no tiene sentido. Asumir que ya no somos amados es un acto de valentía y que nos evitará derivar en situaciones tan delicadas como destructivas.

El amor jamás deberá ser ciego

Por mucho que se defienda esta idea, siempre será mejor ofrecerse a alguien con los ojos bien abiertos, el corazón encendido y la dignidad muy alta. Solo entonces seremos auténticos artesanos de esas relaciones que valen la pena, donde respetar y ser respetados, donde crear cada día un escenario sano donde no “todo vale”, sin juegos de poder ni sacrificios irracionales.

La dignidad es y será siempre el reconocimiento de que somos merecedores de cosas mejores. Siempre será mejor una soledad digna a una vida de carencias, a relaciones incompletas que nos hacen creer que somos actores secundarios en el teatro de nuestras existencias. No lo permitas, no pierdas tu dignidad por nadie.

No temas perder a quien no te ve aunque te mire, a quien no te escucha, aunque te oiga, a quien no se siente afortunado de tenerte.

Todos, en algún momento, hemos sentido esto mismo. Puede que lo hayamos experimentadoa nivel de pareja, con alguna amistad o, lo que es peor, a nivel familiar.

Percibir la desoladora sensación de no ser valorado o apreciado por aquellos con los que mantenemos un vínculo estrecho y significativo constituye uno de los problemas emocionales más devastadores que existen.

Las personas necesitamos sentirnos valorados y nutridos en cuanto a atención, consideración y afecto.
Si lo que percibimos no es rechazo sino un mero vacío o la baja calidad de un vínculo que no se ve reafirmado, nuestra autoestima se verá dañada.

Reaccionar ante estas situaciones no es nada fácil. No lo es por una sencilla razón: porque la persona que lo sufre suele ser reticente a admitirlo y quien favorece el vacío o la carencia afectiva tampoco lo admite.

Una de las experiencias más duras a las que se puede enfrentar una persona es a la  exclusión "familiar", a no sentirse aceptado en ningún grupo, sentir que no se pertenece a ninguna parte. Esta tipo de situaciones se traducen en un sentimiento universal: la soledad.

Este sentimiento puede darse en personas que se sienten poco aceptadas o que simplemente sienten que son diferentes. Se vuelven obsesivas con el tema, todo gira entorno a su aspecto físico, a si van a dar la talla en lo que se debata en la reunión, o si sabrá responder a las expectativas que se han creado sobre él/ella etc.

Crean un círculo vicioso de temor ante lo que los demás puedan llegar a juzgar, observar, evaluar etc. En definitiva en un temor increíble a lo que los demás puedan llegar a pensar de ti.

En las exclusiones familiares y/o sociales puedes ser el que siempre queda en un segundo plano y nunca interviene, al que le toman el pelo incesantemente, puedes ser el rechazado, etc.

Algo que tenemos que tener en cuenta es que en cierto modo y momento de nuestras vidas, todos hemos sentido cierto rechazo o inseguridad. Sin embargo la repercusión de esta situación depende de la intensidad y lo traumático que haya supuesto para nosotros.

Todo el mundo ha sufrido cierta exclusión en algún momento de su vida, sin embargo finalmente la mayoría consigue reponerse y encontrar un grupo en el que sentirse integrado. Los casos más graves se dan en aquellas personas que sufren una exclusión durante toda su vida.

El sentimiento general de estas personas es:” Siento que no pertenezco a ningún sitio, no me siento identificado con nada ni con nadie.”

Creci sin experimentar el sentido de pertenencia.  Cuando mi padre fallecio, viaje y viaje tratando de encontrar a donde pertenecia ya que el unico referente de seguridad fue el.  He sufrido los ultimos casi cuatro anos pensando que mi familia me rechaza, me odia.  Y si, soy diferente a ellos, mi autenticidad los paraliza, soy demasiado para ellos.  Este rechazo me llevo a inclusive tratar de quitarme la vida sumado a un episodio de abuso. 

Hoy, hace poco, descubri que no es mi familia, que llegue a los 4 anos y que solo era hija de mi padre. Dios ese dia me senti feliz, libre y finalmente encontre la respuesta a la mayoria de mis interrogantes.  Solia pensar que ellos me lo habian quitado todo inclusive mi identidad y asi fue pero lo que no saben es que ha sido el regalo mas maravilloso porque soy libre de personalidades perversas y cargas psicologicas muy extremas. 

Antes de retirarme de Lima escuche a la hermana menor de quien supuestamente era mi madre decir "bueno hemos quedado en que debemos destruirla y para ello haremos creer que se volvio "loquita" luego de la muerte de su papa" ... Ese dia como nunca agradeci a Dios haber escuchado junto con la familia de mi padre como se refirio a mi persona porque me di cuenta de que estan mas enfermos de lo que pensaba y gracias a Dios no tengo una gota de sangre de esa familia en mis venas.

Gracias por leerme y amigos sepan que estoy bien haciendo lo que me gusta y si para ellos estoy "loquita" que viva la locura ... gente tan mezquina nunca entendera lo que es ser voluntario, lo que es servir y el porque lo hago.

Cada inicio de una nueva etapa va ligada al fin de la anterior. Un final es solo otro principio...

Wednesday, June 13, 2018


About all you can do in life is be who you are. Some people will love you for you. Most will love you for what you can do for them, and some won't like you at all. #STAYTRUE

About my health

  The tricky part of illness is that, as you go through it, your values are constantly changing... You may decide you want to spend your tim...